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RSCC Policy GA-22-01; Support Staff Council - Constitution and Bylaws

Roane State Community College
Policy Number: GA-22-01
Subject: Support Staff Council - Constitution and Bylaws


This organization shall be known as the Support Staff Council of Roane State Community College.


Section 1. Purpose
The purposes of this organization are:

  1. To emphasize and initiate opportunities for professional development.
  2. To establish a forum and support group to create an atmosphere in which work-related problems can be discussed and explored.
  3. Have input into decision-making via representative on various councils (such as administrative council).
  4. Promote participation in opportunities to become better informed relative to activities in all departments/areas of the college.


Section 1. Inclusions
Membership in this organization shall consist of all regular full and part-time employees of Roane State Community College (RSCC) who are not considered faculty, administrators, or professional non-faculty.

The Executive Board may consist of the following elected officers who will serve for one year: president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, and branch representatives. Officers may succeed themselves, not to exceed two consecutive terms. Any vacancy during the year will be filled by a special election.

The Support Staff Council shall meet quarterly and other times as needed. The meetings shall take place in the interactive room on the Roane County campus. Meeting times will be varied between morning and afternoon meetings to facilitate ease in work schedule adjustments by members and the scheduling of the IDEA Room.

The Constitution may be amended by a two-thirds majority vote of the membership present at any regular or special meeting of the general membership held after at least two weeks prior notice to the membership that such an amendment is to be considered.


Each member will have equal vote and status in all matters.


Section 1. President shall:

  1. Serve as the chief executive office of the council
  2. Preside at the meetings of the council and of the Executive Board
  3. Serve as an ex-officio member of all the committees of the council
  4. Perform those duties assigned by the Constitution and Bylaws and by the Executive Board
  5. Perform such other duties as customarily belong to the office

Section 2. Vice-President shall:

  1. Preside in the absence of the president
  2. Assume the duties of the president in the event the president is unable to perform such duties
  3. Maintain an up-to-date master list of all support staff

Section 3. Recording Secretary shall:

  1. Be responsible for the records and minutes of the council
  2. Help prepare reports of the Executive Board to the membership
  3. Perform those duties assigned by the Executive Board and by the Constitution and Bylaws
  4. Prepare notices of meetings as directed by the president

Section 4. Treasurer shall:

  1. Be responsible for presenting financial report to council
  2. Work with Foundation and Business Office staff to receive up to date data for the support staff accounts
  3. Perform those duties assigned by the Executive Board

Section 5. Branch Campus Representatives shall:

  1. Disseminate information between main/branch campuses
  2. Act as liaison between support staff organization and the branch campus administrator


Section 1. Terms of Office
The council officers shall hold office for no more than two consecutive terms.

Section 2. Meetings and Quorum
The Executive Board shall meet at least quarterly in regular session and upon call of the president or a majority of the Executive Board members. Each member shall be notified of the time and place of meetings. A quorum consists of six Executive Board members. If an officer is absent from three consecutive meetings without having an excused absence, he/she shall be notified that he/she is being dropped from the Board. His/her vacancy shall be filled as provided in Article IV of the Constitution.

Section 3. Powers and Duties
The powers and duties of the board shall be:

  1. To serve as the executive body of the council
  2. To establish the time and place of called council meetings
  3. To direct the affairs of the council and to carry out its policies
  4. To oversee the financial operation of the council
  5. To present recommendations to the membership on proposed amendments, policies, programs, or positions of the council
  6. To develop programs for the achievement of the stated purposes
  7. To perform those duties assigned it by the Constitution and Bylaws

An election is held in June for each office. Officers may succeed themselves not to exceed two consecutive terms.


Section 1. Standing Committees
The following committees shall be regarded as standing committees of the council with chairpersons appointed by the president:

  1. Constitution and Bylaws Committee
  2. Scholarship Committee – Student

The Bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds majority vote of the membership present at any regular or special meeting of the general membership held after at least two weeks prior notice to the membership that such an amendment is to be considered.

Revision History: 07/01/1990; 02/23/1994; 05/04/1996; 11/17/1998; 10/01/2003; 10/15/2007; 10/17/2012
Revision Date Effective: 01/07/2013
Revision Approval By: Christopher L. Whaley, President
Original Date Effective: 03/16/1988
Original Approval By: Cuyler A. Dunbar, President
Office Responsible: Vice President for Business & Finance
Reviewed: 05/15/2017

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